Thursday, November 09, 2006


Is it really possible to fall asleep while drinking a cup of coffee? I think I was tired.

I skipped out on track practice this week (again!) and decided to bake a quiche. I had left over pie crust. Oh, I baked a pumpkin pie on Sunday. I have a convection oven, so this means that cooking is always an experiment. Convection actually works brillant for cooking crust. It does not burn the crust, so you do not have to worry about whether or not you have aluminum foil to wrap around the crust edges. I do not have aluminum foil, as it were. I kind of forgot to put sugar in the pie mix too. There was a little bit of it in the canned mix and you mix in spices and (gasp!) cream and it actually was not bad. I am a savory person anyhow. However, it appears that lack of sugar (or my convection oven) caused the pie to need about two hours to fully cook.

The quiche came from Molly Katzen's Sunlight Cafe cookbook. Again, because I often do not have the right cooking wares or ingredients, I improvise. It was also quite edible. My efforts with the crust were the most surprising. I have, perhaps, on one other occassion made a crust. Mom is the crust master. Her crusts are perfect. This crust was better than good. Of course, considering I do not have a rolling pin or a pie pan (just a round glass dish,) I have certainly acquired an adeptness for cooking in the studio kitchen.

It should be known that my home has the following: a bar fridge, a convection oven (looks like a large microwave,) a toaster oven on its last leg, and a unit that contains a sink, fridge and two burners all in one. All of this is housed in a "kitchen" space perhaps six feet by 10 feet. Hardly gourmet, but I have managed to produce a lot of delicious meals in my limited space and with limited gadgets.

However, between the pie and the quiche, I am wondering if too much rich food is the reason for my feeling so tired. I did manage to run six miles and then eat a salad and some yogurt. Perhaps that will help. Oh, and I do not think I like quiche as much as I thought I would. I like vegetables, cheese, and eggs immensely, but somehow in a pie it did not do it for me. So I will not need to skip any more track practices to make quiche.


At 11:22 PM, Blogger Biting Tongue said...

I think it is safe to blame your tiredness upon the quiche. After all, real men don't eat them... [evil grin]



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