Friday, October 20, 2006

Notes to Self

I accidentally switched off the wireless on my computer and couldn't figure out why my wireless had been down for four days. I was a little busy, so it didn't exactly take top priority for calling and fixing. I also needed internet access to search and see if I could avoid being put on hold for three hours and just fix it myself. My first search yielded a picture of the antennae and bells went off. This happened once before, but I kind of forgot that this was the first place I should check. So, here it is, note to self: Is the connection even on? Oh yeah.

Secondly, I made a new acquaintance at the climbing gym. Pretty standard, but sat around chatting a bit. Acquaintance adviced on climbing moving showing at some local theatre. Instead of picking up that this might be an invitation, I made some attempt to be funny and like all of my subsequent attempts came off as just being lame and jaded. Second note to self: When someone suggests random movie and you are interested, you say: "Is that an invitation? I would love to go check it out!" Doh!

I am certain I will have an opportunity to redeem myself, but sometimes I wish my life had a rewind button. Or perhaps a time freeze button, that gives me slightly more time to interpret what is being implied or said. I's a little slow. Here's to hoping acquaintance was so captivated that my lame responses were seen as quaint and quirky. Yeah, right.

Nothing to do now.


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