Sunday, October 01, 2006

Phone Call

Last night my brother called me. He starts telling me about his fishing trip. He says, I caught this fish, and that fish and a fiance. A what? I didn't really recognize that fish's name. A what? A fiance. I asked EM to marry me. Oh my gosh! And so, of course, being a woman, I asked what he said. Response: I held out the ring and told her "Say yes or swim." You did not. Yes. I was hysterical with laughter. I am sure you think this is appaling, but its not. Its hilarious. That's my brother. And pretty friggin' cool. I was having kind of a moody day and that sure cheered me up. As long as all I have to do is show up the day of the wedding and be in some family pictures, because that's me.


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