Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Spending your way into oblivion

I read this trashy novel recently about this woman who had a spending problem. She goes on her honeymoon around the world and can not, much to the chagrin of her husband, stop buying stuff. She gets home and somewhere in the neighborhood of four trucks filled with stuff shows up at her flat. By the end of the book she has to learn from her miserly long-lost half-sister how to be more spendthrift. I think I could use a lesson in how to be more spendthrift at the moment.

While I am surely characterized by others as someone who is reasonable with her expenses, I began to feel a little out of control. I kind of stopped paying attention to what I was spending and what I was saving. Yikes. A little budgeting and restraint never hurt anyone. So, until June there has been a moratorium on buying anything that does not fall under the umbrella of normal monthly expenses - food, rent, gas, electricity. Its going to be a long Spring. At least the sun is out and the weather will be perfect, so I can spend all my time playing outside, then it will not matter. Ahh, yes, I bore you all. Worry not, I will be including brother's wedding expenses in the normal montly expenses. Normal for April. And you can all rejoice that I will be spending my Spring break, most likely, waiting to see if I get called for jury duty. That's right, doin' my civic duty, y'all! That's mostly because I do NOT want to do it this summer. I have got better things planned.


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