Friday, August 15, 2008

What the!?!

(As an aside, I'm feelin' ya Wintermute, I go online, see who won and go to bed, its just too late, sometimes, even if I don't have to go to work the next day.)

But I missed something, since when did Trampoline become an Olympic event. Isn't that like assisted gymnastics? It strikes me as odd, isn't that sort of like a gimme medal? How big could the world trampoline field be? What's next, Cheerleading? I mean, I don't doubt the athleticism of some of those young women, flying up into the air and what not, but its not something I feel is Olympic worthy. Then again, what do I know?

JE is less than excited about Olympics. He's more of a Winter Olympics guy - ice hockey. I don't discriminate. The only way I get to watch bits and pieces is if the women's beach volleyball is on. (So there you have it Wintermute, that's the reason they have it on so freakin' much.) Granted, normal people do not really like to watch swimming, most of my colleagues have no clue and could care less. Its hard not to want to watch Michael Phelps, he just makes you scream "Go USA!" Makes ya proud to be an American, especially when they kicked some snooty French booty. Okay, really I am not that person. Personally, the French are so misunderstood. Still its really fun to watch him.

Sports just makes people feel good. Some sports are like organized fighting without the death and destruction. Modern day Spartans, if you will. It just makes you feel good to root for someone or something (if you're into horses) and watch them/it win. It allows more civilized, modern day battles. It transcends anything else that may be going on in life. Sure, I don't agree with some of the issues in China and I see the point of the people who feel we shouldn't support the Olympics because of those issues. However, there are plenty of crummy things we've done. And, if you recall, we didn't boycott the Olympics in Berlin during the reign of Hitler. There was certainly knowledge of what was going on in Germany and consideration to boycott. In the end, we went. Jesse Owens had the opportunity to show the world that white, blue-eyed Germans were not superior, as Hitler had hoped. There is so much hurt and suffering in the world that I don't think we should deny opportunities to feel hope, victory and for a period of days something that does not see race or creed, but strength and ability, and that is what the Olympics are about. Perhaps that is what Hitler made it into, but for the most part, people just want to feel good. Even if you see business and classicism and whatever, you can not deny the tears or smiles or sheer joy on those athletes faces.

As Americans, we love a feel good story, especially when it relates to sports. Personally, I love sports movies. To conclude, I decided to list my top five:
1. Radio - Cuba Gooding is astounding in this movie, even if its not about an athlete. Its about hope, courage, and understanding.
2. Remember the Titans - Left side! Strong side! I know its cheesy Disney, but I could watch that movie again and again.
3. Breaking Away - If you have not seen this movie, rent it, but only if you like cycling.
4. Glory Road - Again, cheeseee, but so good.
5 Chariots of Fire - dah, dah, du, dah, du dah, ba dah du dum. (That's my online version of Vangelis.) Run, Forrest, run!

It gets better:


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