Monday, July 17, 2006


Peeing in the forest is better.

For those of you world travels you are probably more than familiar with the Turkish toilet - that delightful hole in the ground you must squat over. All of the facilities are that way. I wonder if people ever get tired of peeing on their feet. The trick seems to be to hit the water hole just right, but honestly I don't need that splashing up on me either. I wish I had a picture I could upload, because its a true delight for anyone who hasn't experienced it. Fortunately, the hotel at the hotel is a sit down. Pure luxury. You also need to be sure to carry your own TP because there is none. And just like in Mexico, throw the wad in the trash when you finish. It leads to excessively stinky bathrooms and slippery floors from who knows what. (Or rather you do know what, but chose to not think about it.)

Honestly, I don't care how wasteful we are, I like my stuff to go down the train and come out in a treatment plant. Like anything, you, of course, get used to it and it is hardly the most difficult thing with world travel.

On another note, yesterday we had a calligraphy lesson. My work needs exactly that, more work. A calligraphy student that was nationally known (and also from the school) gave a demonstration and offered to make each of us a banner with calligraphy. Seemed like an awful lot of work. We agreed she needs a nice gift of calligraphy brushes.

Later, we had dinner in a place that had no English - menus or people - and had to navigate that. It was great fun. The waitresses were so helpful and giggling the entire time. On the walk home we saw ballroom dancing in the park. There were some pretty exceptional dancers and it was a treat to watch.


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