Sunday, June 25, 2006


Deciding what to take on any trip is always a bit of a pain. You either over pack or under pack. Not packing enough is something that is easily solved by purchasing more stuff, if you can afford it. Packing too much is really just more of an annoyance because you have to cart it. I have begun to think about this trip as a sort of give-away bag. Remember that bag of clothes that grows each time either your waistline does or you realize you have owned something since high school? I put the item in the bag and figure if it isn’t missed after some months, it goes.

Any clothing article with one foot in the bag, as long as its not too terribly ratty or unsightly, goes on the trip. But unlike the giveaway bag that sits for months, it will not come back with me. Those ten dollar shirts at Target also work well. Buy 5, return with 0. That’s the plan. Perhaps it seems wasteful, but I like to look at it as recycling. Perhaps someone will find my discarded or left behind clothing article and make something of it. Or just wear it. It’s a sort of clothes catharsis - be free of outdated clothing items and shrunken waistlines. !Viola!


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